Draft Logo


  • Hello everyone this is my logo and I really loved developing the ideas of the logo just because some of the most successful logo’s are the most simple logos. So therefor I was thinking how can I make a simple logo that will be and eye dazzler and just want to real you in to what my project is about.
  • So my topic is about healthier living and I thought many different ideas such as dumbbells being my logo or a heart or something that really resembles my project. But the more I thought about doing that for my logo the more dissatisfied I became with it. So I tried thinking outside of the box. What is the common message I am trying to come across. “Changing the world to become a healthier place.” That is what I wanted to focus on more than anything.
  • So therefore I based my logo on the world. Now it was challenging specially getting the 3D affect and learning how to use new key concepts and different things such as that.
  • So in this project I started out with making just a regular circle and then I made a rectangle that went over the half of the circle and used the shape builder tool a lot in this project. But I deleted half of the circle. Then I went to the 3D effect that gave me a whole bunch of different items to choose from in the way I wanted to make my circle turn to a sphere. It also gave me the option of what rotation of the sphere and what axis I wanted it to be on, anyway I played with it a little and got a cool design on it and a cool affect on how the sphere looked. But it wasn’t much it was all black and I needed to add some color so I used the gradient tool and the other different color pallets on illustrator and decided to use red because of how important spreading awareness is about heart disease so I thought it was a good subliminal effect to the logo. I added blue because it represented the world in how the vast majority of the world is covered with water so I thought it fit that really well. So I played with it more and I had to add a another circle cut it out shape it and send it inside the sphere to add another color that would eventually make it to where the shining effect would pop out of the world to give it an eye dazzling look to it.
  • But this logo turned out really well for me and I hope you enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Draft Logo

  1. Hi Zachary,
    This is a great logo! I really like it a lot. I like how it is simple, but is has absolutely no problem grabbing my attention. Also, the effect you applied on the outside of the circle paired with the colors you chose is awesome! I do however have to make suggestions to get a grade for the assignment. My suggestions are just small and simple things. The first thing I would suggest is that you change the placement of the words. I can’t suggest where to put them exactly, but I they look out of place where they are right now. You should try putting them in different places around the circle to see where they fit best. However, I can say that I don’t think they should be angled. The angle, to me, takes away the “serious” aspect of the logo. My only other suggestion is that you move the circle down a little bit to center it better. Other than that I think this is a great piece of work!


  2. Hey Zack,
    I still really love what I did with my logo I really like how simple yet the meaning behind the logo and the colors and the different gradients I decided to put in there. Next time though I am going to try adding a reflection of the logo and give it kind of a shadow look. I thought that might give it a pretty cool effect to the logo. Also I am going to focus a lot more on the text itself just because I can play with that give it some effect and texture I am going to straighten it out and not be in an angle. Also I am going to center the logo a little bit better. But other then that I am really happy with how this logo turned out!


  3. Hey Zack, I really resonate with your topic choice because I agree that it is important for people to live healthy lives and be aware of the changes they can make to get there. Since you focused on the quote “Changing the world to become a healthier place,” I think it made total since to add the text in your logo “Be the change.” However, one suggestion I would make is to choose a different font and fill the color with red or blue. I say this because your message is powerful and slim, cursive, black text does not make a very bold statement stand out the way it should. You did a good job of making your focus clear and expressing subliminal messages by using different colors in your logo. And choosing to use the 3-D effect was brilliant! However my second suggestion would be to either decrease the opacity of the red or make it gradient to create more of a balance so that it blends better with the other colors in the sphere.


  4. I love your concept for the design, I thought that it was very cool to read about why you choose the topic that you did and how that concept is interpreted through your logo. The logo itself looked very cool and I loved the effects that were used in the image. The colors looked great together, and after reading your description I had a way better understanding of the idea behind the logo. Two areas of feedback that I would improve upon would be that the design of the world could look more like the world. Maybe start by finding an image of the world, and mimic some of the line segments in the world map, so the design would look more like the world, and less like a cool marble. I think that this change is important because without reading the description first, I’m not sure if I would have known that the circle was supposed to have any connection to the world. Another piece of feedback that I would add is to incorporate the words a little better into the design. They are just sitting on the side of the image, in a weird angle, but I think that words are powerful and should be placed in a better position to be noticed. Overall I think the design is great! Keep up the good work!


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